Prophecy, Church, and the Nation of Israel- Last Generation

"When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth... and He will show you things to come" (John 16:13).


Israel became a nation in 1948.

Last generation beginning in 1948?

Will many of those born after 1948 see the Rapture?

Keep in mind the life span of a man in 70 years.

Psalm 90:10 "The days of our years are threescore and ten."

It took Noah 120 years to build the Ark, the Ark is a type and shadow of the Church.

A.J. Tomlinson became leader of the Church in 1903, died in 1943- 40 years as leader. Moses, God's leader of the children in the wilderness- 40 years. 

3 - 40 year generations = 120 years 

1903 to 2023 = 120 years

A generation is 40 years. (Hebrews 3:9-10)(Numbers 32:13)

No man knows the day or the hour of the Rapture (Matthew 24:36)

NOTE: A day nor the hour has not been noted here as to the Lord's return.

-Some thoughts by Joe Green-

It makes a lot of sense to believe or say those born between 1948 and 1988 will see the Rapture.

It makes a lot of sense to believe or say some over the age of 70 will see the Rapture.

It is possible we could see the Rapture as early as 2018, do the math, 1948 + 70 = 2018.

It is possible the Rapture will be no later than 2023, do the math, 1903 + 120 years = 2023.

It makes a lot of sense to believe or say we will not know the day nor the hour as to the Lord's return. However, we should know close to the year. 


Biblical Marriage

It seems to be slowly developing in the minds of the people that when a man who has no living wife marries a woman with a husband that that man will be free to divorce this woman and be free to marry another. The man is guilty of fornication and may marry another but the woman is bound to her first companion.                                                                            - Church of Prophecy

Fornication and Remarriage

1 Corinthians 7:2 "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

Fornication-A single person, never married, having someone's Biblical (covenant) companion. 

It seems to be slowly developing in the minds of the people that when a man who has no living wife marries a woman with a husband that that man will be free to divorce this woman and be free to marry another. The man is guilty of fornication and may marry another but the woman is bound to her first companion.                                                              

 - Church of Prophecy

Three Baptisms

1. WATER BAPTISM-is the act of being immersed in water according to the commandment and instructions of Christ. This ordinance has no power to wash away sin but is the answer of a good conscience toward God, representing the death, burial and resurrection of Christ through which one has obtained new life. 

Read Matthew 28:19; Mark 1:8-10; John 3:22,23; Acts 10:47,48.

2. BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY GHOST- this indwelling is a definite and instantaneous experience described in the Scripture by the word "baptism," and always accompanied by the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. No one ever receives the "Holy Ghost" without speaking in tongues.

Acts 2:4, also read John 15:26; Acts 10:44-46 and 19:6.

3. BAPTISM INTO THE "BODY OF CHRIST BY COVENANT"- Paul lets us know that by covenant. A man and his wife they two shall be one flesh and states this is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church. Meaning also, it takes the covenant to become part of the "Body of Christ." We can see two mysteries here. 

Read Ephesians 5:31&32.

Of course the TRINITY is also a mystery.                                                                                                                

 -Church of Prophecy